In Celebration of

Yeu Shiang Wang 王雨薌女士

October 15, 1923 -  November 22, 2019

Yeu Shiang Wang passed away in the early hours of November 22, 2019 in the way she would have chosen, a sudden heart attack not proceeded by any illness or even awareness of its coming. It comforts the family to know that Yeu Shiang is now with her loving husband of 63 years Kung Jang Wang (王功壤先生) who she had missed every day since his passing in September 2010.

This is the ending. Let us go back to the beginning. She was born in Hubei, China on October 15, 1923. As the eldest of seven children she was part of a large, loving family that included doting grandparents. That changed in her teens with the Japanese invasion. At age 16, Yeu Shiang was in charge of retreating to Chongquing from the front lines with a group that included two younger sisters. She completed her education in Chongquing and then found work as a school teacher. Here she met and fell in love with a handsome engineer who was to become her husband. The young couple went to Taiwan when she was 23 years old. Early in their marriage, they welcomed her two younger sisters, 4th sibling An Ning and 5th sibling An Jean who were escaping the worsening situation on mainland China. On Kung Jang’s single salary, the resourceful couple made ends meet as their family grew - Grace, Elizabeth, Brenda and Lynda. In 1966, they decided to uproot the family and immigrate to Canada, a land of greater opportunities for their children. It can only be imagined, the courage and determination that were required to start anew in a foreign country. Nieces Debbie and Karen joined the family in 1976. Providing a wonderful home life allowed the family to flourish and grow – Grace/Bill Chu with children James and Janice; Elizabeth/Hon Seeto with children Kevin and Brian; Brenda; Lynda/Anthony Tamberg with children Erik, Kristen and Mark. There were many happy times and happy memories.

Home, family and friends, these were what Yeu Shiang held most dear. At age 97, she still lived in her own house where she has lived for the past 46 years. This was made possible in these last two years with the help of her constant companion and caregiver Mei. The family wishes to thank Mei for her loving care. Yeu Shiang used all three levels of her home, climbing and descending the stairs albeit slowly. She briskly walked the halls for exercise in order to maintain her health. This came from the same grit and determination that is a common thread throughout her life. She was mentally all there, able to recall past history, having an interest in current events and even figuring out the location of other people’s misplaced keys. It was truly a blessing. Yeu Shiang greeted people into her home with joy and never failed to see them off at the door, waving as they drove away. Her friends that were of her generation had dwindled but there would be rare gatherings with those who were left. Others who were not mobile would keep in touch by telephone. There have also been new friends such as the good people at Yee Hong. Yeu Shiang also had friends that were a whole generation younger, wonderful people that included her in their social gatherings. She was also concerned and had kind thoughts for people she had never met but felt she knew well through stories told to her by family. She recently celebrated a birthday. No doubt her wish before blowing out the candle would have been for the health and happiness for all who she knew. This would likely include all of you, dear friends, who have taken the time to read this.

Whether you knew Yeu Shiang directly or through the family, there is a connection. We, the family are the people we are because of this wonderful matriarch. We are grateful to all who have been a part of Yeu Shiang’s life. We ask only that you take a moment to commemorate her life in whatever way that is meaningful for you. We need no other gift.

王雨薌在2019年11月22日凌晨以她原本選擇的方式去世了—―在沒有任何疾病導致甚至意識不到它的來臨的突發心臟病。讓家人感到十分安慰是雨薌現在和她每天都懷念的2010年9月去世的六十三年夫婿王功壤在一起了。這是結局。 讓我們回到開始。

她於1923年10月15日生於中國湖北,黃岡。她是七個孩子中的長女,是一個充滿愛心的大家庭的成員,其中包括有愛撫的祖父母。 隨著日本人的入侵,這種好時光在她的十幾歲時發生了變化。 16歲時,雨薌奉母命帶領一組四婦女(其中包括兩名妹妹)從家鄉逃難至重慶依父。 學業完成後,她在重慶找到了一所小學的教師工作。在那兒她遇見了一位英俊的工程師,相愛後成為了她的丈夫。 這對年輕人於一九四六,一九四七年先後去了台灣。在她23歲他25歲時締結連理成為夫婦。留在家鄉的還有她的母親,六弟安祥與七妹安安。 結婚初期,他們歡迎她的兩個妹妹(即逃避中國大陸局勢惡化的四妹安寧和五妹安靜)的加入。 以功壤於中國石油公司的單身工資,夫婦倆省吃儉用。隨著家庭的成長,負擔加重,雨薌也出去工作任職公路局。這以後,他們育有四女: 惟,怡,忻,慎。


1966年,他們決定全家移民到加拿大,這對他們的孩子來說是一個更大的機會。 能想像在國外重新開始需要多大勇氣和決心嗎? 四妹的長二女汪昭和汪明於1976年,十四五歲之際,加入了這個家庭。基於夫婦二人的共同努力,在異國過上了美好的家庭生活,使這個家庭得以蓬勃發展。Grace (惟)/ Bill Chu帶著孩子James和Janice; Liz (怡)/ Hon Seeto帶著孩子Kevin和Brian ; Brenda(忻); Lynda(慎)/ Anthony Tamberg和孩子Erik,Kristen和Mark。 這個家有很多快樂的時光和美好的回憶。

家,家人和朋友都是雨薌一生中最親愛的。 在她97歲的一年,她仍然住在自己過去46年一直居住的房子裡。 最近幾年除了女兒們,也有人住在家裏陪伴她。最近兩年,由梅的陪伴和照顧下,她過著舒適的生活。 家人都很感謝梅對她的盡心照顧。在梅的陪伴下,雨薌在她家的三個樓層間,自己小心地上樓下樓。為健康和鍛煉身體,她還在家裏走廊上來回健步。 這些行為都是源於她對事的態度和決心。 她頭腦清晰,記憶良好,常回憶起過去的歷史事件。她也對時事感興趣,也多次幫人找到錯放的鑰匙。


我們家人愛她,尊敬她,大家以她為榜樣。 我們感謝所有與雨薌一生裏交往過的人。 我們只希望您以您認為有意義的方式來紀念她;我們不希望其他的饋贈。


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Vivian Moens (Friend of Lynda and Anthony)

Entered November 24, 2019 from Toronto

This comes as such a shock; stories of your vibrant mother were part of even a very recent conversation. Even though she was old, it felt as thought she would always be there, at the heart of this bevy of beautiful, kind women (her daughters) and their families. My heart goes out to all of you in a time of mixed bereavement (you will miss her so much) and gratitude for the life she lived and love she gave you all. Thank you for sharing her story.

Lauren Hoyle (Friend of her daughter Lynda)

Entered November 24, 2019 from Oshawa

Our thoughts are with you Lynda, your sisters and all of your family.

Love Lauren, Josh, Jake and Hannah

Beryl Chiang (Family friend)

Entered November 25, 2019

王怡, 王忻, 剛剛才看到王忻的email. 簡直不敢相信. 王媽媽有神的愛及祝褔, 享有高壽及幸福的家庭. 妳們姐妹們都是孝順的女兒, 沒有遺憾. 王媽媽如今被主接回天家, 享受神永遠的榮耀❤️

Karen Funnell (Friends)

Entered November 25, 2019 from Milton

Dear Lynda, Tony, Erik, Kristen and Mark, and family.

We were so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved mother and grandmother. She has been such a big part of your lives and such a source of love and sense of family. I will always remember her as a gracious hostess in the family home on Tecumseh Park Drive, and even though I wasn't able to speak with her directly, she was always interested in us and happy to see us. You are in our thoughts at this time.

Love, Karen, Doug, Matt and Jo

Jan Fox and Bill Howlett (Friends of Elizabeth and Hon)

Entered November 25, 2019 from Etobicoke

Dear Lynda, Grace, and Elizabeth,
While I never met your mother, for over thirty years I’ve heard wonderful updates of her life through my good friend Elizabeth. She was a true inspiration to not only her girls, but the whole family. Your dedication and love for her was evident in everything you did with and for her. How lucky you were to have shared so much time with such an amazing lady.


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