In Celebration of
Samuel Yao-Wen Zheng 鄭耀文先生
January 23, 1960 -
April 22, 2023
Samuel Yao Wen Zheng was born on January 23, 1960, in Guangzhou China.
He was hard-working and devoted to his family. The youngest of 6 brothers, he is remembered as “Uncle Six” by all his nieces and nephews. Sam, as he was known to friends, came to Canada to continue his studies. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree at Guelph University and eventually worked in IT.
At All Saints’ Anglican Church, he met his future wife, Yvonne. He enjoyed listening to classical music and passed this on to his two daughters, encouraging them to learn piano. He also liked swimming and playing tennis. In the last 15 years of his life, as his mobility became limited, he learned new ways to communicate and leaned more on his loving wife, Yvonne. He is survived by his wife (Yvonne), two daughters (Michelle and Catherine), two sons-in-law (Charles and Felix), two granddaughters (Hazel and Lillian), and five elder brothers.
In memory of Sam, donations may be made to St. Elizabeth's Anglican Church at
鄭耀文在一九六零年一月二十三日出生於中國廣州市。他是一個勤奮顧家的好好先生。在六兄弟中排行最小的阿文, 是眾子侄口中至愛的六叔。阿文在八零年初來加進修, 在桂湖大學取得文科學士學位, 最終從事電腦程式工作。阿文在聖公會諸聖堂結識關慧瑜, 兩人於一九九零年結婚, 育有兩個女兒, 慧君和天恩。阿文喜歡古典音樂, 在他的熏陶下, 兩個女兒都彈得一手好鋼琴。好動的阿文又喜歡游泳和打網球。在過去的十五年, 阿文因病行動不便, 但在妻子慧瑜的支持下, 他學會用新的方法與人溝通, 堅持過好每一天。阿文十分有福份, 有五位兄長, 兩位好女婿Felix 和Charles, 還有兩個可愛的外孫女Hazel 和Lillian。
懇辭奠儀及花圈 / 花籃, 請將惠贈的心意轉為奉獻, 捐贈予St Elizabeth’s Anglican Church。