My heart breaks at the loss of a beautiful person . Lynette was maid of honor at our wedding 22 years ago. we met while I worked as Nurse with her on NCL. we have remained friends but this past few years we had not seen each other as much as we would have liked. She was much too young to have this happen to her.. She helped me through my husband's cancer and treatment for years. She was a kind soul, A great friend and will be
missed so much in our lives.
What a superb memoriam to a wonderful person with a life well lived. I knew her in high school and through medical school. She was an amazing character and a force to be reconned with. Her entrance to medical school after completing the BScN program was considered by many to be a major betrayal and I remember talking to her about the heat she took for that from many sources, but it certainly didn't dampen her ambitions at all - again, she was a force to be reconned with. The last time I saw her was at an ACLS course in Vancouver. At the time she was working on the cruise ships and shared some fantastic stories. She hadn't changed a bit from high school. So many will miss her and remember her.
Sending all of the love and hugs possible.
Dear Aunt Lynette, I will miss your beautiful smile and laugh; your calm and witty way of chatting, the always stylish and elegant outfits you wore. I will remember all of those funny postcards you mailed us from around the world to let us know you were thinking of us...complete with sketches of cats and champagne flutes lol. I still proudly wear the gold pendant female symbol you gave me, which reminds me of how independant and capable a woman I am, just like you were!! All my love and respect, you will be forever remembered as my hip, belly-dancing aunt. Xoxo 💗💜🩷
I remember with fondness our years growing up in Carbonear. Playing spotlight and hiding in the trees, but needing help back down. Being blessed with our grandparents living next door and having many meals and gatherings there. Time moves us forward and even though close contact is challenging, it is never lost.
Over the years, we heard of your travels and experiences and there was no shortage of either.
We will be waiting in Carbonear when you come back to the place of your childhood. May God Bless you and your family.