Elaine, Stephanie, and Karen,
Words cannot express how truly sorry I am for your irreplaceable and devastating loss. 'Uncle' Paul was such a kind and happy soul. I remember as a child, visiting your house, playing g and just enjoying time with you, your mom and your dad. (And Buster, too...it was a while ago 😊). Both your mom and dad always seem to have had a smile on their faces and I will always remember that. I wish there was something I could say to make this impossible time more bearable - or to erase it altogether and turn back time. Please just know you and your families are all in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Sending you all so, so much love.
Paul was one of the first people I met when my company, along with Giffels, were acquired by IBI. He was always such a pleasure to talk with, professionally, or sharing experiences we'd each had on trips to the South Carolina coastal areas. So sad that he passed before he could begin life in retirement. My condolences to all his friends and family who were undoubtedly looking forward to more of his company after he retired.
Working with Paul was fun, he was intelligent and funny and had a great sense of doing the right thing and sometimes, under severe pressure from a difficult work load, he would grin and put things in perspective and identify a route through the issues. He also fought his corner when necesaryand was quite a sight when he pushed back.
Playing golf with Pail was even more fun! Chats on the NFL and the odd glass of Crown Royal were always informative and much loved.
For many years he drove a battered old car to look after the girls uni fees (he was so proud of all of you) and then got the silver bullet... he took me for a drive in the shiny new car and its fair to say he could have made it in NASCAR.
He was also proud of his UK midland area heritage and the distinctive accent of that area and did a very passable Ozzy Osborne impression (also a midlander UK) and had a great love of rock music.
Well its goodbye old friend, thank you for your friendship.
My thoughts are with your family at this time.
RIP Paul
I'm truly shocked by Paul's untimely death. Like Dora he
left us too soon. They will have quite the reunion!
Hello to the Williams family,
On behalf ot the Eeyou Istchee Pimaatisiiwin Chiskutimaachawin, The Cree Health Board's midwifery education program, in which Karen plays such an important role, I am sending my heartfelt condolences to the family. I have an idea of how difficult this may be. I am so happy that all of you has an oportunity to be together at Karen's wedding. Take care, Jasmine