Deepest condolences to the family. Olive was a wonderful, dedicated member of
St George's Chancel Guild. She was always well dressed and an inspiration with a warm smile.
Olive will be missed. I will enter her name in the Book of Remembrance.
Rest in Peace.
Marlene Hutzul Reesor
Our deepest condolences. Olive always sat behind my parents in church, and I remember her fondly. She told me that she played field hockey as a young girl back in Ireland, which contributed to her strong disposition. As well, every time there was a group event with the Chancel Guild, Olive made the tea and coffee, and brought it up for the ladies who were working that morning to make our church even more beautiful, for Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. Thank you for unwavering service to the Church. You will never be forgotten, as you will always be spoken of.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon the fields
Until we meet again
Rest in Peace Olive, and may the Lord's Perpetual Light Shine upon your face