Marguerite, Maggie, Scotty, Mum, Gram…
This is just the short list of names used to call on the most wonderful woman in our lives.
Marguerite, who came to Canada from bonnie Scotland, by ship and on her own; landing in Québec City on a sunny and warm St. Jean Baptise Day and then travelling onto Toronto where she met the man she was to marry just days later. Marguerite was a woman who dared to break glass ceilings long before that became “a thing.” She was fearless and determined and had a long and illustrious career as the V.P. Of Human Resources within the publishing community. She travelled for business and she travelled for pleasure and she was always there for her family. She could sew, knit, and bake the best shortbread this side of the pond and she was the best darn doggie Gram around.
Our hearts are filled with sorrow for the loss we are grieving and our hearts are also filled with gratitude for the love that we shared.