Master storyteller, great dad and devoted husband. Rest in peace, Karl.
With love and continued prayerful support from ones who never met you but admired you through the eyes of your loved ones. May God continue to light your path and shine the true light of His Son on those who are left to cherish your memory.
'The strife is o'er, the battle done.'
Condolences to you and yours Victor
Dear Vern and Vic,
Michael, Liney and myself are sending you all our love. We missed the opportunity of knowing this amazing fellow. I am glad that he had the wonderful gift of love to give you and your mum and your family all the love in the world which you all deserve. God Bless your family Vern. There will be happy times again I promise.
Hugs and love and Prayers.
Sonja Mike and Liney
Carl May god bless and you rest in peace