José Fernando (Fernando), a dedicated worker and lover of nature, passed away peacefully on August 2, 2024. Born in Sao Miguel, Portugal, José Fernando served in the Portuguese military service during the Colonial War (Guerra do Ultramar) before emigrating to Canada, where he built a life centered around his love for nature and craftsmanship. He spent many years working in tool & dye and landscaping, creating beautiful spaces and objects with his skilled hands.
José Fernando was also a passionate music lover, singing in a Portuguese men's church choir, where he found joy in sharing his voice. In his free time, he enjoyed watching sports and spending time outdoors.
He is survived by his children, Chris (Sue) and Julie (Martin), and his grandchildren, Claudia and Jacob. He is also remembered by his siblings Eduarda (Steve), Maria José (Carlos), Jacinto (Urania), and Filomena (Herminio).
May he rest in peace.
Funeral Details
Show location:
Turner & Porter - Peel Chapel
2180 Hurontario, Mississauga, ON, L5B 1M8
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Friday, 16 Aug 2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Chapel Service
Turner & Porter - Peel Chapel
2180 Hurontario, Mississauga, ON, L5B 1M8
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