So sorry for your loss, Rest in peace Drago.
Sending my condolences to a fine human being who always welcomed me in his home. I recall Drago as a person who loved depth and shied away from small talk. I recall him making interesting statements while passing by and then poof, would disappear somewhere else in the house. We would wonder where did he go as people wanted to hear more of his ideas and his understanding of things in life. I saw Drago as a man who did not like attention but instead had joy in reading and philosophizing.
It’s been an honour knowing this kind and deep man. Sending my love to his fine family The Krizanovic Clan.
With all my heart,
Rita Mashinsky
Rest in Peace Tetak 🙏🏻 your gentle eyes , easy laugh , and many a political discourse is to be continued ……
Dear teta Ivka, Sretenka and Tanja,
I am very sorry for your loss. I know it is very hard to loose a family member. We are all sad but in a way we should celebrate because barba Drago is in much better place now and from there he will take care of everyone. His death is something to be sad about but also to be joyful. May God accept barba Drago in His Kingdom and gives you peace and comfort.
Maja Kovacic (born Trogrlic) with family
Draga Tetka Ivka, Sretenka i Tanja sa obitelj
Anđeli neka čuvaju Tetak Drago gore na nebu, a vas na zemlji neka utješe u nenadoknadivom gubitku. Primite našu najiskreniju sućut.
U nasim ste mislima i molitvama.
Neka vasa vjera u život vječni utješi u ovim teškim trenucima.
Josip, Marija, Josip i Robert Pavković