In Celebration of

Nestor Peter Paul Chabursky

July 8, 1934 -  April 30, 2024

Nestor passed away peacefully in his 89th year with his family by his side after a brief illness on April 30, 2024.

He was born in Lviv, Ukraine to Fr Stefan Chabursky and Nadia (nee Drohomorecky). He is predeceased by his sister, Ulana and his brother, Fr Ihor.

Having emigrated from Ukraine following the war, Nestor retained his life-long and deep love for his Ukrainian homeland where he continued to maintain contact with his remaining family there.

He married his wife Daria (nee Luczkiw) on August 31, 1957 and they spent 66 happy years together.

Nestor was the consummate company man who spent his entire career with General Foods. He was a great people person and loved his work. Upon retiring, he and Daria divided their time between their cottage at his beloved Wasaga Beach and their condo in Naples, Florida as well as other travel. Nestor became a member of the Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO) and went on several overseas business missions for sales and marketing development.

Nestor continued to be busy through his commitment to parish work, first as the president of the parish committee of St Volodymyr’s church in Thornhill and, more recently, as an usher at St Demetrius the Great Martyr church.

Nestor had an amazing zest for life together with a wonderfully positive attitude and a great sense of humour. His joyful demeanour was infectious and brought happiness to all who had the privilege to know him. His favourite motto was “I will live until I die.” And live he did to the fullest until the Lord called Nestor home.

Nestor leaves behind his wife Daria and his daughter, Tanya and son-in-law Alex, together with his brother, Myron and his wife, Irene, sisters-in-law, Roma and Christine, and his many other nieces, nephews and members of his extended family in Canada and Ukraine.

In lieu of flowers, we would ask for prayers for the repose of Nestor’s soul and donations to the Canada-Ukraine Foundation.

Eternal Memory! Вічная Пам’ять!


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Roman & Anne Chabursky (Nephew)

Entered May 3, 2024

Our sincerest heartfelt condolences to you Teta Darka, Tanya & Alex. Nestor brought our family together. His warmth and kindness will always be remembered. We join with you in prayer for the repose of his soul. Спочивай з Богом Стрійку, вічна тобі пам'ять 🌹
Roman & Anne Chabursky

Gail Floyd (Friend)

Entered May 3, 2024 from Montréal

I wish to express my sincere condolences. The Bible promises that your loved one will return to life again on a beautiful earth when death will be no more in John 5:28, 29 and Revelation 21:4.

Andrew and Andrianna Shchuka 

Entered May 4, 2024 from Toronto

We will always remember Вуйко Нестор for his infectious smile, boundless love for life, and his unhesitating generosity. We extend our deepest sympathies to Тета Дарка, Таня, and Олесь - our constant prayers are with Вуйко Нестор and your family. May Our Lord grant him eternal peace and rest with the Saints! Хай спочиває з Богом - вічна йому пам'ять!

Yaroslava Sheremeta (Friend)

Entered May 4, 2024 from Newmarket

Nestor was a fine gentleman. He loved his Church. We miss his happy smile.

Daria Evtushenko (Family acquaintance)

Entered May 4, 2024 from Cawaja

Dear Family,

Pan Nestor will be remembered as a jolly, friendly and sociable man who enjoyed life with enthusiasm.
Our families go way back.
May he rest in peace with the Angels.

With deep condolences,
Daria (Lada) Evtushenko and family