Sorry for your loss, wishing you peace and health during this difficult time. Thank you for being my aunt and may you rest in peace.
Babcia will be greatly missed and I’m beyond grateful for having the time I spent with her to hold onto. I remember when my son was born she was so happy to hear his name was Noah she said he was a true blessing and honestly she was the blessing for anyone she met. She will be deeply missed by everyone who knew her.
Dear Christopher My son and Jachyra family, the Fust family shares your deep pain in the loss of your dear beloved mother and grandmother. This loss cannot be filled. Words of comfort are not worth much, but we are with you in spirit in your pain. Rest in peace Alfreda, in our prayers we ask the Lord to lead you to the kingdom of heaven where there is no more suffering and pain
Your love and memory will remain with us forever.
Fust Family
Ernö GGPapa
Drogi Christoferze. Mój synu i rodzinie Jachyrów, rodzina Fustów podziela Twój głęboki ból po stracie drogiej, ukochanej matki i babci. Tej straty nie da się zapełnić.Słowa pocieszenia nie są wiele warte, ale duchem jesteśmy z Tobą w Twoim bólu. Spoczywaj w pokoju Alfredo, w naszych modlitwach prosimy Pana, aby poprowadził Cię do królestwa niebieskiego, gdzie nie ma już cierpienia i bólu
Wasza miłość i pamięć pozostaną z nami na zawsze.
Rodzina Fustów
Ernö GGPapa
Drága Christopher Fiam és Jachyra család a Fust család osztozik mély fájdalmatokban drága szeretett édesanyátok és nagymama elvesztésében. Ezt a veszteséget betölteni nem lehet A vigasztalo szó sem ér sokat de fájdalmadban lélekben veled vagyunk. Nyugodjál békében Alfreda imáinkban kérjük az Urat, hogy vezessen be téged a mennyek orszaga ahol nincs többé szenvedés es fájdalpm
Szeretedet és Emléked örökre velünk marad.
Fust Család
Ernö GGPapa
My sincerest condolences to the family of Mrs. Jachyra. To say that it was an honour and privilege of caring for her is an understatement. What a blessing it was to know her so briefly on this earth. Alfreda had a quiet strength to her in the face of all she was going through and a fierce love for her family. I was moved to tears on many occasions by her will and bravery and so touched that she always remembered the small details of our conversations. Her beautiful smile has left a mark on my heart and I will forever remember her. She leaves a powerful legacy of love that lives on in her amazing children. God bless you all and may she rest peacefully with Him.
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