In Celebration of

Zoran Ratkovic

October 23, 1951 -  July 26, 2024

Zoran Ratkovic was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on October 23, 1951 to his father Gojko Ratkovic, his mother Jelena Ratkovic (née Lazarevic) and his older sister Visnja. He met the love of his life, Mirjana Seka Sumonja in his second year of high school and they were lucky to have enjoyed almost 49 years of marriage. Zoran moved to Toronto with his family in 1993, where he lived for the rest of his life.

Zoran leaves behind his beloved wife Seka, two daughters Srdjana (Filip) and Zorana (Nemanja), and two granddaughters Anika and Lara. His passing has left a hole in their lives that will never be filled.

Zoran will be dearly missed by his family, numerous friends and colleagues. He will be remembered as a passionate man of many interests. He was passionate about music from an early age, always playing something from his vast collection. He was a history buff with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He was a movie aficionado, often raving about the merits of classics such as Rashomon, The Third Man or The Godfather. He loved sports, from playing soccer and tennis with his friends when he was younger, to cheering on his beloved Partizan. Finally, Zoran’s career as a microwave engineer was much more than just a job, it was his true calling, spanning over 50 years.

Celebration of life for Zoran will be held at Turner & Porter York Chapel, 2357 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M6S 1P4, on Wednesday July 31, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm.

If we don't meet you no more in this world then we'll meet ya on the next one.

And don't be late.


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Zorica Jurak (Friend)

Entered July 28, 2024 from Toronto

Already missing you

Raša Andric (Friend and collegue)

Entered July 28, 2024 from Toronto

Poslednji pozdrav i veliko hvala za sve.

Jasminka Konvalinka (Friend)

Entered July 29, 2024 from Toronto

Bio si nam dragi prijatelj. Voleli smo da se druzimo sa tobom i tvojim najblizima svih ovih 30 godina. Voleli smo tvoju glasnu muziku i diskusije o istoriji i politici.
Mnogo smo tuzni, jos uvek nam je tesko da poverujemo da te vise nema.
Nase iskreno saucesce Seki, Srdjani, Beki, Aniki i Lari.
Poslednji pozdrav od
Jasmine i Ire

Darko Dunat (friend)

Entered July 29, 2024 from Toronto

As Horatus would say:
Not all of him died.

Tatjana Kedman (A friend)

Entered July 29, 2024 from 1105-30 Gloucester St. Toronto, M4Y 1L6

It’s extremely difficult to believe that he is not here anymore. I’ll always remember his humorous and profoundly smart remarks and his huge love for Seka, Srdjana, Beka, Anika and Lara and respect for his sons-in-law.


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