In Celebration of

Manuel Espinal

April 1, 1927 -  May 1, 2017

Born of Pilar Moreno Esposito and Pedro Espinal Azcarate in Linzoain, Navarra, Spain. Brother to, Micaela, Antonio, Santiago, Petra, Juanito, Felipe, Jose Angel, Justo and Pedro.
Marido of Mari Carmen Martinez Merlos. Pa to Francisco Javier (Panya Clark Espinal) and Belinda, Abuelito to Keith Ellis and Amaya and Mika Espinal. Tio to many nieces and nephews with a special bow to Patxi and Alberto and Tio Abuelo to Torres
After many years of progressive memory loss, Manuel died in the intimacy of his home. Those closest to him in his dying days told him his life story, bringing it alive with the tastes, smells, sounds, pictures, tools and textiles of his ancestral and familial life. The Basque song below is one that was sung to him and that he loved.
We will be singing this together at our gathering at the Club Hispano, 3465 Dundas St. W, Toronto, Saturday May 13, 6pm. Please bring your stories of Manuel to share.

Xalbadorren Heriotzean

Adiskide bat bazen
orotan bihozbera,
poesiaren hegoek
sentimentuzko bertsoek
antzaldatzen zutena.

Plazetako kantari
bakardadez josia,
hiltzen lihoa iruten
Bere barnean irauten
oinazez ikasia... ikasia.

Non hago, zer larretan
Urepeleko artzaina,
Mendi hegaletan gora
oroitzapen den gerora
ihesetan joan hintzana.

Hesia urraturik
libratu huen kanta,
lotura guztietatik
gorputzaren mugetatik
aske senditu nahirik.

Azken hatsa huela
bertsorik sakonena,
inoiz esan ezin diren
estalitako egien
oihurik bortitzena... bortitzena.