In Celebration of

Fang Yen Chiang 姜龍鳳英女士

April 10, 1920 -  August 19, 2017

姜龍鳯英女士生於1920年4月10日。她出生在台灣新竹的新埔客家小鎮,父母經營一家小藥房中,有一姊,一弟及四位妹妹,全家人生活安詳和睦,其樂融融。唯一的弟弟二戰未期不幸往生,所幸六姊妹感情非常好,終生保持友愛深情。龍鳯英女士年青時學習家政洋裁,做的一手好衣服,曾經在新竹開班授徒。 1944年與新竹北埔人士姜重烈先生結婚。次年生下唯一的孩子,姜正紘先生。婚後,龍鳯英女士與先生一起經營皮革工廠生意。

1979年,龍鳯英女士和先生定居加拿大多倫多。她在加拿大的生活忙碌而快樂,平日除了照顧孫兒外,春夏秋三季她最喜歡園藝工作。而且,來加拿大後,她仍熱衷於剪裁女士洋裝,曾受僱於幾間時裝精品店,一手包辦從設計到剪裁的所有工作。自來加初期,龍鳯英女士就經常參加台灣人耆老活動,從而結識了許多朋友。她經常參加Pape社區中心的活動,也會每週一次去High Park玩草地保齡球。另外,她與幾位臺灣來的朋友參加日本耆老活動,常常共聚一堂,吟詩或演唱Karaoke。七十幾歲以後,龍鳯英女士開始習畫,因她對色彩的敏感及經驗,創作了許多鮮亮生動的水墨國畫。就這樣,她在加拿大度過了39年快樂的忙碌卻又不失優閒的生活。 2017 年8月17日晚飯後,她因感不適被緊急送醫,然不久即陷入昏迷。昏迷前親人聼見她口中輕念了一聲"南無阿彌陀佛",後合上雙眼,未再醒來。龍鳯英女士於8月19日清晨2時55分辭世,享年九十八歲,辭世時安詳平靜。姜龍鳳英女士的一生充滿了快樂與幸福。因此,讓我們欣慰她走完一個美好而健康快樂的人生,進入一個更祥和平安的世界!
Mrs. Fang Yen Chiang was born on April 10th, 1920. She was born in her parent’s small family owned pharmacy in the Hakka town of Shimpu, in Hsinchu region, Taiwan. She had one older sister, one younger brother, and four younger sisters. She had a wonderful childhood filled with simple small town charms and attention from loving parents and siblings. Her younger brother passed away near the end of World War II. Fortunately, all six sisters were very close and remained so throughout their lives.

During her youth, Fang Yen studied dressmaking, and soon became very accomplished. She even started her own apprenticeship programs and taught her students outfit design, pattern creation, cutting and sewing. These skills would stay with Fang Yen throughout her life, creating outfits for herself, her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. In 1944, Fang Yen married Mr. Chung Lieh Chiang from the town of Beipu, also in Hsinchu region. In the following year, their only child, Eugene Chiang, was born. Together, Fang Yen and her husband ran a successful leather manufacturing business in Taiwan.

In 1979, Fang Yen and her husband moved to Toronto to be with their son and two grandchildren. While in Toronto, she lived a very fulfilling and happy life -- taking care of her grandchildren, tending to her beloved garden, and continuing her passion in dressmaking. She worked with a number of boutique clothing stores in Toronto. Fang Yen was an active member of the Pape senior community. She participated in many fun activities such as weekly lawn bowling sessions in High Park, Japanese poetry writing and karaoke. In her seventies, Fang Yen began studying Chinese painting and calligraphy. Even though she had not touched a paintbrush before, her natural talent in composition and sensitivity to colors helped her to create many pieces of wonderful artwork, some of which were selected for local calendars and art shows. Her 39 years in Canada were filled with joyful moments. On the evening of August 17th, Fang Yen was hospitalized after feeling discomfort. She was heard quietly citing “Namo Amitabha” (homage to the Amitabha Buddha) just before she fell into a coma. At 2:55 am on August 19th, Fang Yen passed away peacefully with her family by her side. Feng Yen had a truly magnificent and rewarding life. Therefore, let us celebrate all the happiness and wonderful memories she brought us, and wish her safe journey to the next world filled with love, peace and joy.

Visitation to be held at Turner & Porter Butler Chapel, 4933 Dundas Street West, on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 from 12-1 p.m. Funeral Service to follow in the Chapel at 1 p.m.


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